The lowdown on Jerry!
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I am classically trained as a chiropractor, and I practice a special type of chiropractic that helps the spine and nervous system work more efficiently and effectively. As a female chiropractor I am already a minority in this profession, I am one among 150 other females in the world with the highest level of certification in Network Spinal (a gentle chiropractic approach) through the Association of Network Care.
While completing my business degree from Eastern Washington University in 2002, I began a search for ways to minimize the debilitating pain in my body I was experiencing as a result of playing competitive volleyball for over a decade. I was healthy, but suffered from chronic pain in my entire back, arches of my feet, and I struggled with athletic induced asthma; I also had severe allergies from the time I was in grade school and horrible sinus infections multiple times a year from constantly getting sick. After visiting multiple Chiropractors since the age of 16, I discovered the chiropractic technique, Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration and what we now call today, Network Spinal.
This novel form of chiropractic care I discovered changed my life. Not only did it change my life, I save it. All my body aches and pains disappeared, the arches of my feet no longer hurt, and I was no longer affected by allergies and chronic sickness. I even stopped needing to wear prescription reading glasses, as my eyesight was better than 20/20.
Greatly inspired by this work and wanting to be able to provide this care for others, I then enrolled in New College of California in San Francisco and then Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward CA, to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. I earned my Doctor of Chiropractic in 2008.
I am also an Elite Doctor certified in Cranial Facial Release. There are less than 150 doctors world wide trained to perform this balloon assisted adjustment that focuses on mobilizing all the cranial bones and sutures in the entire head.
I have been highly involved in the Crossfit Community, competing at local competitions as well as taking on yoga challenges at my local studios.
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My Philopsophy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque aliquam imperdiet mauris, eget semper nisl congue sit amet. Integer molestie eget felis ac ornare. Donec ligula urna, euismod sed mi eu, sodales tincidunt arcu. Sed venenatis ligula lacus, at feugiat tellus hendrerit nec. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla suscipit interdum massa a lobortis. Curabitur ut magna sit amet lectus pulvinar scelerisque. Vivamus pharetra diam purus, pretium laoreet augue porttitor in. Vivamus nec diam sapien. Duis in ultrices justo, in vulputate leo. Praesent interdum vulputate lectus, eget gravida ipsum lobortis nec. Ut accumsan nunc eget ultricies finibus. Nam et venenatis ante, ut malesuada mauris. Fusce suscipit venenatis risus. Ut dictum, ex ut varius dignissim, ipsum nisi interdum turpis, vitae posuere lectus sapien id nibh. Nullam in sapien eu diam dapibus porttitor quis nec quam.
Donec sollicitudin nec felis sit amet maximus. Cras cursus finibus neque at faucibus. Aliquam mollis lacus sit amet arcu venenatis, luctus vestibulum risus ullamcorper. Etiam viverra accumsan erat laoreet mollis. Sed leo purus, consectetur nec hendrerit ut, lobortis eget orci. Integer felis metus, hendrerit id purus at, egestas finibus arcu. Proin laoreet eros metus, ut consectetur lorem fringilla eget. Mauris accumsan tortor elit, in laoreet tellus ultricies eget. Pellentesque auctor, justo non fringilla volutpat, magna diam malesuada mi, ut porttitor ipsum ante sed dolor. Maecenas sed orci urna. Fusce gravida sem in tellus congue congue. Sed porta, justo eu aliquet aliquam, dui eros aliquet odio, eu dignissim lacus risus nec nisl. Suspendisse non est arcu.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi.
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